Getting the key
What do I need to do first?
FIrstly, you need to check that there is a suitable ticket type on the key for your travel needs.
To do this you can find all of our key tickets at: morebus.co.uk/thekey
How do I get a key
You need to register on this website (link – morebus.co.uk/thekey)
What details do I need when I register?
· Name
· Address
· Date of birth
· Email address – you need a separate email address per key account
· Telephone number
Why do you need so much of my personal data for a key card?
If you lose your key, we want to make sure that we get your un-used travel credits back to you and so we may need to ask you some security questions.
WE NEVER PASS ANY OF YOUR DETAILS ON TO ANYONE ELSE (other than as required by law)
How long will it take to receive my key?
If you apply online before 4pm it goes out by first class post that day. However, if you apply in the evening or weekend, it will go in the post the next work day.How do I get my new key?